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The Cohabitation of Accessible Design, Biophilic Design and Technology

Date/ Wednesday, October 19
Time / 10am - noon
Location / Interior Resources, 1620 Oak Lawn Ave.
Credit / 2 barrier free CEPH

While many designers have attended courses on accessibility and design, most of these courses do not focus on the science and technology aspects of the topic.  With 41 years of experience in the Anatomy/Physiology education field, Eriksen will shed light on accessibility in terms of the human body;  delving into the science and technology side of the discipline.

In this course, Eriksen will approach accessibility by way of how technology can ease some of the barriers people encounter.  From the smart homes that most people are familiar with, to smart glass, she will explore how design and technology have collided to create a new Big Bang Theory. Eriksen will share how her love of the biological world has also pushed her design strategy toward an increased connection to the natural environment through the use of direct and indirect exposure to nature.

This course will also discuss Electromagnetic fields (EMFs), highlighting the fact that we receive natural EMFs from the sun and the earth itself. Along with that new Big Bang theory, we see many people avoiding technology because they are afraid of the EMF radiation, a concern that has created quite a “buzz”. Every one of us is now exposed to unprecedented levels of man-made EMFs.  Eriksen will explore this controversy; discussing the pro-technology side (those who believe that these artificially created EMFs are completely safe).  And, on the other hand, studies are emerging to demonstrate that EMFs, including non-ionizing ones, may be unsafe. This course will take a close look at the physiological effects of EMFs and examine EMFs can be leveraged for increased home safety with minimal health risks.


  • Analyze how accessibility can be enhanced by the use of technology in home design.

  • Demonstrate how accessible design can positively affect everyone’s life, not just those who have a disability.

  • Prioritize the technological design concepts for their usefulness in accessible design.

  • Examine where EMFs are emitted.

  • Differentiate between the amount of EMFs that are naturally occurring and those that are man-made.

  • Establish the reasons why some people are more sensitive to EMFs than others.

LaDonna has been an educator all of her life.

She taught in the Omaha, NE area for 41 years with the final 24 years teaching Anatomy/Physiology and Genetics to health care pre-professionals. Her knowledge of the function of the human body is what she attributes to much of her understanding of how correct design is invaluable to making a home accessible, safe, and healthy.

Her involvement with design and construction began in 1985. She has worked with many clients creating unique environments in their homes.

​She is especially proud of her work in the area of developing beautiful and functional kitchens and bathrooms. The design, development and construction of their forever home is her greatest achievement in her field to this point. LaDonna used many of her past unusual concepts in their home, and came up with some outside-of-the-box creations that surprised craftsmen working on the house. She hopes that their home will lead a movement in the residential construction industry to build all homes that are accessible, safe, healthy, beautiful and connected environments for everyone.


LaDonna Eriksen
VP of Education, Living in Place 

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